
Who are we?

Dan Little1Daniel

I am passionate about communicating the free and universal offer of salvation in Jesus Christ alone. I became a Christian 12 years ago but never really understood grace. I can remember, however, that I always desired to see people saved. I often prayed fervently for the lost and even studied current evangelism resources but I never really shared the gospel with anyone. In December 2005 friends introduced me to the Way of the Master DVD series. I instantly knew this was the missing information I was longing to hear. The Law is the key that helps people in our affluent society understand their true need – righteousness! Thankfully, this teaching also started me on a path to learning about reformed doctrine and understanding about grace. I started to listen and read great bible teachers like John Piper, DA Carson, RW Glenn, RC Sproul and John MacArthur. I started to learn about reformed statements like the ones referred to in this page, and then got blown away when I would open the word and see things I never noticed before. God’s grace and His work in saving sinners made a new deep impression on me. I am now excited when I share the gospel with friends and strangers because I know they are hearing the biblical gospel that can save them.


I’m a full time mum of two kids. I am currently having leave from my primary school music teacher position and enjoying the busy job of caring for my girls. I was brought up in the Uniting Church but have recently discovered the importance of sound doctrine. If we don’t have sound doctrine we get blow every which way by fun new theologies. I am passionate about reformed theology and chocolate. I too have been transformed in my thinking by the WOTM teaching and wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.




Josh (joarm)

My name is Josh. I love life. I love what is good and I love the God who has freely given me all things good for the sake of His Son when all I deserve is His judgement and punishment. I want others to know about this life, the way of receiving it and their great need to be put right with their Creator. I hope the things that I am able to contribute to this blog will help other Christians to become more faithful and effective in their witness and get active in whatever sphere God has placed them in right now. I believe that there is great importance in being faithful to the truth of scripture when we speak to others about God and I believe the reformed confessions are extremely important in giving a unifying voice and reference to the theology of the church of Christ.




I am a young, married, full time mum to a lot of kids. I have been raised in the reformed faith. Over the last 3 years a slow awakening occurred in the way I perceive the faith that I have been given. I guess I started to think – if we do have such a precious heritage in the reformed faith, and such great news in the salvation we have through Christ, why am I happy to keep it to myself? Why aren’t I caring about the “lost souls” yet to be called into the kingdom? It’s great to be seeing people as souls at last… eternal people with eternal needs.I have lots and lots to learn… but am super keen to use my gifts and what i do know in the service of spreading the gospel faithfully. It’s an honour.



I can’t think of any other real purpose for which God has Christians on this planet other than to help bring his chosen ones into his kingdom through the proclamation of the gospel and to keep them there through the proclamation of the gospel in the church.


Scott (pyropenguin)

Being born in to a Pentecostal Church when I was 19 years old kept me in a perpetual state of “baby Christianity” for over 8 years. I was stuck on the milk of the Word (Hebrews 5:12-14.) I knew that there was something wrong, but I didn’t know what it was…


But thanks to the providence of the Lord brining David Pawson and his expositional 80+ part overview of the bible, I became aware of the power and weight of the WORD of GOD: laying down CLEAR biblical teaching, showing that every page in the bible related to real history, real places, real people and is 100% relevant and 100% needed. I gained a biblical world view for the first time and could respond to things like tithing, miss quoting the bible, spiritual warfare and tongues, etc. My eyes had been opened to the need for biblical expositional teaching and I couldn’t go back.


But this is where my Church problems started! EVERYONE in my Pentecostal Church either didn’t understand what I was saying regarding my new found biblical bias and hard stance on things like evolution, cults and Catholicism. The leadership put up walls to block me from speaking in Church; soon I was off the speaking roster and silenced for the crime of encouraging people to read there bible! Now I have a passion to proclaim the truth of the gospel correctly and clearly, also telling people about good solid teachers, preachers, ministries, and help people come out of bondage to error.


As well as my passion for truth, I also have a strong desire to share the gospel with all people. I have struggled most of my life with a slight stammer and shy disposition has made the idea of walk up evangelism or even giving out tracts in person kills me! My first steps have been to get tracts that I like and put them on cars parked in the car parks. I’ve also started putting down a 10 commandment coin down in a visible spot each time I go to the supermarket. I am so happy to see it gone when I come out!


Now in my own life I have to constantly keep my eyes on the cross, keep remembering what I have been commanded to do, and that it is far more important than my pride, shyness, selfishness, self doubting and fear. Paul in Romans says it so well (Romans 10:14) How can people have faith in the Lord and ask him to save them, if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?

Why a blog about evangelism?

Evangelism Action exists to glorify and enjoy God by sharing and reflecting on evangelism encounters. We want to encourage and equip Christian’s who already labour or want to become labourers in the harvest field. The blog team adheres to a reformed evangelical view of the bible and strives to be biblically faithful in evangelism encounters.



What do we believe?

We hold to the reformed confessions of faith including:
The Belgic Confession of Faith (1561)
The Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
The Westminster Confession of Faith. (1647)
Canons of Dort (1618-1619)


Be encouraged

Matthew 5 v 13-20
“You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.

Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

How can we become more righteous than the scribes and Pharisees who were meticulously zealous for perfection through human effort? Only through the grace and power of Christ and Him crucified. Only through the gift of his righteousness given in exchange for our sin. All our righteous works combined will in no way come close to covering our guilt before God, only through the free gift of grace may we be saved! Christ calls us to:

repent of our transgression of the Law of God – this is to forsake it completely and turn to God with our whole heart;

and to trust in Christ alone. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2 v8).

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please check out the free offer.




34 Responses to about

  1. Betsy says:

    I was browsing your web-site looking for tips on evangelism because I am leading a discussion on evangelism in a book study from Donald Whitney’s book: Spiritual Disciplines For The Christian Life this Friday.
    I just wanted to point out that in the blog team descriptions, Angela says she is the wife of two. If you don’t want to be confused with the Mormons, she might want to correct that.
    Thanks for all your hard work. Enjoyed browsing the sight.
    In Christ,

  2. Well spotted! LOL. Fixed it

  3. evangelizehull says:

    Nice blog! May God bless your ministry!



  4. Thanks R.

    Always great to receive encouragement. It not only makes me (or anyone you encourage) feel good, but it also makes me want to keep pushing on in serving the Lord.


  5. Josh says:

    looks good

  6. marquita says:


  7. happycalvinist says:

    Great stuff! It’s hard to find good evangelism resources, and you guys have some great ones. Thank you for your work.

  8. Thanks Happycalvinist.

    Keep spreading the gospel.

  9. http://www.markfest.org/audio/Interview1_mp3_May_8_07.html

    Thanks for your great web site…

    http://www.markfest.org is a ministry in memory of my 18 year old son and many of our loved ones in heaven. We recently had our 2nd annual Celebration of Life Festival in Ohio…check out our site and the 2 interviews for a history on the outreach…thanks, Your brother in Christ, Mark

  10. Another evangelism blog from a Reformed theological perspective! Yes! 🙂

    My name is Tony. Some folks know me as the “Lawman” from Way of the Master Radio. In addition to serving with WOTM/WOTMR, I partner with my friend, Leon Brown, from EvangelismTeam.com (a WOTMR sponsor). Leon is also Reformed in his theology and attends a “9 Marks” affiliated church in the San Diego area. Together, Leon and I publish gospel tracts, utilizing the Law so that cross makes sense; while always trying to stay true to the Doctrines of Grace.

    Enough about me. 🙂

    Thank you for your ministry. I am bookmarking this blog, and I plan to return often, for the biblical encouragement it provides. Please feel free to call on me if I can be an encouragement to the Evangelism Action team.

    Visit my blog, where I share most of my evangelism adventures, at:

    God bless!

  11. Nice! I’ve heard Tony on Way of the Master Radio a couple times. It’s an interestingly small world…

  12. Thanks Tony for your kind words and encouragement in the work of evangelism. Nice to hear from you.


  13. Leonard O says:

    Hey Brothers and Sisters,

    Keep up God’s work. I, as well as others, pray for the success of your ministry, and we all wish you the best.

  14. Thanks Leonard.

    Appreciate the prayer. It’s exciting to hear from you. We do most of our feet on the ground ministry in Northern Tasmania, Australia. Aussies are a pretty hard bunch and present unique challenges.

    Its great to be able to connect to so many people from all over through the Internet. Nice to check out your blog too.

    God strengthen you,

  15. Nicholas Nganga says:

    Sports for Christ International is a Christian ministry in Kenya whose main objective is to obey God’s Great Commission to His Son in Psalm 2:8-“Ask of me,and I will make the nations your heritage,and the ends of the earth your possession….”.It is also tied to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ in matthew 28;19-“Go ye therefore,and teach all nations….”,mark 16:15-“…go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”.
    “…..yes,i try to find a common ground with everyone so that i might bring them to Christ”-
    1Cor 9:22

    We use sports to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ by organising the young/youth/students through sports like soccer,basketball,volleyball,rugby,golf,baseball,cycling,motor racing,athletics,tennis among others.We are aware that the youth are hungry for a real and authentic relationship with Christ.During these activities Christian tracts and other published materials are distribured while films and videos are shown.
    Finally,we seek and invite international links with groups that are keen in evangelism through sports:by coming to Kenya and teams from Kenya visiting other countries.We are inviting partners to join with us to enable us reach this goal.We humbly request that you donate,supply and send us free evangelism resources to be an inspiration to reach our objective and mission.Please contact us when you receive this message.
    God bless you!
    Yours in Christ,
    Nicholas Ng’ang’a
    Sports for Christ International
    P.O BOX 3305
    KenyaEmail: scmi2000@yahoo.com

  16. georgiearm says:

    OK. So i have had these twins and am back in the proverbial saddle! Good to read your posts team. Encouraging 🙂

  17. Cool site guys, keep up the good work.

  18. Hi Guys,

    found you via “Stumbleupon” and enjoyed the visit.

    Check out “What is The Gospel? for some great evangelism resources:


  19. raw onion lover says:

    There is such an intensity to life when it is seen through the eyes of Jesus Christ.
    It changes everything.
    Psalm 102 is written by Christ, sung by Christ as the expression of his terrible isolation on the cross , His love and prayers for the church and sung by His people who share in His life and sufferings. Often, our self centred-ness and our fear of disapproval is the reason we don’t speak. If Jesus Christ was alone for us…ignored the shame and stinging rejection, we, in response live life through the mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit will fill us with courage and willingness to lose all for Him and win all for Him.
    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
    Often our outreach is by necessity very real and ordinary, a reflection of the intensity of our relationship to Christ…it takes the form of relationship issues like arms reaching out into the world from the daily life of God’s people like using warm hospitality to needy and forgotten people into our lives and our homes, not just the ones who attract us, having our family table and our spare bedroom always filled by someone in need, not neglecting the visiting of needy people in our community, being ready always to explain the strength of hope that is apparent in our lives in a hopeless world., going that step further and talking about Christ and His family, the Church. Actually demonstrating how much Jesus loves by loving his Church and all its concerns.
    This is how my husband was brought to faith in Christ.several sisters in law, spreading to members of their families, many of my spiritual sisters in the church and their husbands and children. I grew up in a Christian home like this where there was never a time when our house wasn’t filled with all of these concerns and activities. (Sometimes very annoying to a selfish teenager.) Christ and His kingdom was first! I am so thankful.

  20. nardon says:

    God bless.keep up the good work.

  21. Mark Canfora says:

    Our new ministry web site is up with audio, video and pictures of our ministry, the festivals and alter calls showing many coming forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior!

    All that we say, all that we do….everything that we are as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ….should lead to what is truly most important: seeing lost souls come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

    Even when one comes in…all the heavens really do rejoice!

    In Christ’s love,
    Mark Canfora Sr.
    330 865 1000

  22. Simon Lissak says:


    I just found your site… I have been reading a book called “In the Shadow of the Second Temple”… It wonderfully explains the roots of Judasim that shaped the early church and show how far we have drifted from a church had the courage to live sacrifically as a REAL family. I read the Belgic confession and found it very helpful. Especially because it talked about the apocryphal books.Talking to belivers in the Roman Catholic church is challenging and although I reject completely much of their doctrine I find it difficult to believe that none of them are Gods children. Its the phrase “All of which the Church may read and take instruction from, so far as they agree with the canonical books” that shows how inspired those men were. They saw that these books (like modern Christian books)have a value but that they must not be held above or equal to the canon. How often do Evangleicals refuse to participate in outreach with people who don’t hold to often secondary or tertiary theology? How does that look to those outside the church? I can tell you it looks like RELIGION and not faith. Well done all of you for getting me on my soap box and showing me that there are Chrstinas out there who care about the lost and want to do somehting about it.Its all about John 17… UNITY in HIM.


    • Daniel says:

      Good point simon on the fact that there are regenerate people in Roman Catholicism. I do not doubt this either. All that is required for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. Its as simple as that. But it is also impossible for us to do (God works alone in saving dead sinners).

      Yeah the apocrypha has value but is not an authority for teaching us about God and how we are to love and obey him. I guess if we are evangelising with other people we need to make sure we share a biblical view of the gospel. This can be discovered by asking some simple but probing questions like, “can you please explain the gospel in 60 seconds?” “what does God require of us in response to the gospel?”

      Anyway these are some responses and thoughts your reply brought to my mind. Thanks Simon. God bless and keep you always!

  23. Dear Breathren

    I am an Evangelist in my country and also a Youth leader. This year am preaching to so many people but I need Gospel tracts. I need more of them. Can you send me more tracts and booklets to distribute free to new believers
    My post office box is box 70111 Blantyre 7, Malawi Africa.

  24. Rev.MosesJustin Nirmalkumar says:

    A special testimony by a Gypsy Girl. My Name is Kumari. I am a gypsy. I used to worship the goddess named Kali. I was a true devotee.Now I am residing in Thirumullaivoil. I was invited for a marriage in Thiruvanmiyur where my brother is living. In my life I had an opportunity to attend my brother’s daughter’s marriage the very first Christian marriage in our gypsy community conducted by Rev.Moses Justin Nirmal Kumar of Mosjos Mission church in 2002. First thing I wish to tell you is that from my child hood I was treated as a untouchable and the fellow bretheren used to treat our community people as filth. So surprisingly Pastor allowed me inside his house and conducted the marriage with his own funds. He sat with us and dined with us. This event was some thing new to me and I enjoyed their company. The speciallity is the whole pastors family loved us and tried to educate us with the true love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Till that time I never knew any thing about Our Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour of the World. So I stayed back with my brother and started attending church. I felt so happy with some new life in my heart. But it is a short time of happiness as I fell in love with one Chinnamani and my brother objected to that. The pastor advised me to be calm and pray to God for His Guidance. But I eloped with Chinnamani and I setteled in Thirumullaivoil. There was no contact between me and my brother in Thiruvanmiyur. One day I contacted Pastor over phone. He talked to me nicely and gave some advice so I asked my Parents to Pardon me. Then I came to thiruvanmiyur. Pastor nicely gave a sermon and then He explained what life is and how I should be. My Husband Chinnamani used to beat me and my mother in law and others were so cruel that I am not fed properly when I was pregnant. They treated me very badly. They took me to witchcraft and beat me. In 2004 during Tsunami time I realised that the life is uncertian and the First and foremost thing I should know is more about the true God. My husband never allowed me to go to the Pastor. Some in the pretext of visting my brother I came to Thiruvanmiyur and started attending the church. I got peace of mind and I was so happy whenever I was in the Premises of My Mosjos Mission Church. God touched me and I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my saviour. Pastor threatened my husband that he will take Him to the Police if he continues to beat me. It worked and slowly he also started coming to the church. I got baptised and my husband also promised to take baptism soon. I started talking to my own gypsy people what I learnt from the church and slowly taught them the Story of our Lord and we started Worshiping our Lord as a group. Now my husband is ready to take baptism with ten other gypsy friends. I am so happy. The distance between Thiruvanmiyur and Thirumullaivoil is about 20 miles. We as Gysies sell the hand made beads Jewellery but it is not so lucarative. So my husband used to collect the waste materials plastics and due to recession the price of waste material has also gone down considerably. We are struggling hard for our livelihood. We hardly earn one dollar for a family of three. The day to day life is very misserable. I am becoming thin day by day. We find it very difficult to come to Thiruvanmiyur to attend the church. It costs about half dollar for to and fro charges. So I have asked my Pastor to arrange a house church. But my shelter is not a worthy area for assembling. So I told our pastor that I will give the land which my father gave me about 20’ x 30’ area. I am ready to give it to God to construct a small shed so that we will be able to gather and worship our Lord the provider. I am used to taking only one meal a day. Only I am interested in bringing my child Josephraj in a proper way. But I wish to give the first priority to God and Saviour as in the bible. Todat 3-01-2010 I was thrilled when my husband acceted Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour and got baptised along with some of my friends and relatives. Bible says Ephe 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

    God is worthy of our worship Mathew 22: 37. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38. This is the first and great commandment. I am sure He will take care of me. I should have enough strength to meet more of my people and help them in tasting the true love of our Saviour Jesus Christ so please Pray for me. I am ready to tell my truesstorey to all and make them listen to His Devine words. Do you know we have formed a prayer fellowhip and now we jointly pray for our Desam, our pastor and our people. Now I am requesting pastor to construct a church in our are a to Worship our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please join with me in prayer so that Our Living God and saviour will a open a way. This time four more people took baptism with my Husband. I am ready to come to your church and tell the congregation how I have accepted Our Lord Jesus Christ. Honoured Pastor. Will you please permit this poor Gypsy woman along with my friends to tell testimonies. So that some of your congregation members will be able to understand the need to go out and preach the Gospel. I want to be an example. With my little earnings I am providing shelter and food to the deprieved people that are to the people who are not uptomy level. This christmas I am expecting My Lord to provide all things like cloth cake, special food and presents for my child as He is the Provider.. Pray for him too. Will you join with me in this humble work for my Lord. Please contact our Pastor if you have any interest to work among the people like me. I will be failing in my duty if I do not mention about Lully Latha my friend and relative. She has accepted the Lord and got baptised, Fortunately or unfortunately she is having eye problem Loss of sight. Is any one willing to help her? She is also one of the members in my prayer group a true believer of our Saviour Jesus Christ. She needs eyesight who will give healing hand to get it operated? I do not know English as I told my story Pastor is translating into English so that people like you will be able to read and join with me in fighting with the satan as he is only ruling our gypsy community.We are in need of twenty thousand Tamil English tracts permonth Please send me Bibles, Gospels, tracts and magazines. for distribution among the perishing souls. The testimony of GYPSY MRS. KUMARI REBECCA CHINAMMANI BIBLE WORKER, MOSJOS MISSION CHURCH Translated and written by Rev.Moses Justin Nirmal Kumar. Synod Biblical Churches of India. My address Mrs. Kumari Chinnamani C/o Mosjos Mission Church , 16,Moses Ave, First Main Road, Kamaraj Nager, Madras 600041. Tamilnadu INDIA. MOSJOSHEALTHCARE@YAHOO.COM join with ushttp://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=185995424254

  25. Dear Sir
    I hope you do not mind me contacting you like this and apologise unreservedly if you have seen this information before.
    I would like to ask your permission for me to E mail you a copy of my testimony. I was an entrenched militant agnostic,a pro-evolution biologist, who came to Salvation after a series of traumatic events.The key one of these was the re-enactment of Pentecost for my benefit, after Acts2v2!I have written this down in the form of a gospel tract. It occupies only two pages. It is my hope that it will take the reader from any non Christian faith or no faith at all and lead them clearly to Christ.
    But, please be assured that I will send this only if you agree, otherwise nothing will be sent.
    Either way, I will respect your decision and wish you every blessing as the LORD uses you to win the lost.
    Thanking you greatly for your time and consideration
    Yours faithfully in Christ
    Shaun Benstead MSC

  26. Jonathan says:

    Here are some Gospel Tracts that are free to download, and you are free to adopt them:


  27. Dear am blessed to visit you here & it nice work you do & I love that, first of all I would like to extend my greetings to YOU all.
    Am the founder/Executive Director of this organization.

    Allow me to introduce it to you
    Am looking for sponsors because I need funds to establish a way for provision for those in need for food, clothes, shoes books & pens for children plus children sponsoring more so to help in medication & water projects.
    Am writing prayerfully that you may join me on what is God is doing in Uganda
    I also need evangelical support this include Bibles, tracks & others

    I officially ask you to stand with us in the provision, partnership & plus other ways that is in your program, Orphaned Children, poor families are here waiting to receive love
    Financial support. We have more than 17 projects that need funds those include, schools, hospitals, orphanages, home for old aged & others
    I invite you to join me for partnership & we work together for the glory of God.
    To empower & equip the world changers for Christ. And to stand up & speak up to defeat the rights of poor & needy.

    Let me looking forward for a positive response & when my contact note is put under your considerations & hope to hear from you.

    Yours truly,

    Pastor Kirumira Daniel
    Founder & president
    Lamp-stand charity family of God.

  28. Im so much excited for your tireless labour in the Master’s vineyard to bring home the harvest. i am emmanuel owinya from uganda, an evangelists. im zealous for the work of soul winning and im requesting for the printed tracts for evangelism,for both teenagers and for all catergories.
    Matthew 28:19, Jesus didn’t request them but commanded them on this wise say ” Go ye therefore,and tech all nations baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;
    Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever ihave commanded you;and, lo I will be with you alway,even unto the end of the world.Amen.
    So as he has commanded, i so ought to follow tirelessly .
    You can send on this address
    Owinya Emmanuel,
    B&L Safari Centre Ltd,
    P.O.BOX 70257,
    Clock Tower, Kampala

  29. vijayaprasad says:

    Dear in Christ,
    I am a pastor from Andhra. I request you to please send tracts in Telugu.
    These tracts play a vital role in sharing the good news to the unreached.
    May God bless You and make you a blessing to many.
    Thank You,
    Pas. B. V. Prasad

  30. RICHARD SAMUEL says:

    Good day Sir/Ma,

    I greet you in the name of Jesus and i pray that none of you in the work of the building of the kingdom of Christ will lose eternal life nor its reward in Jesus name. My name is Richard and I’m using this platform to request for your tracts for distribution in Cpatown South Africa. Many souls are perishing here under the influence of drugs, drinking and sexual immorality but one thing i have observed here is that God touches their hearts with ease after commiting them to God before going out for evengelism. We need tracts in its thousands to lunch into this arena and take it for Christ. I was dazed one day when i spoke to a lady who has now accepted Christ but she said then that she never heard that God has a Son, she hardly knew anything about Jesus.

    Please brethen this is a clarion call to reach Capetown for Jesus and we need tracts covering teachings on Christ love, eternal consequence of sin, the last days judgement and hell, redemption throug the blood of Jesus, beauty of heaven, salvation etc.

    Kindly send the tracts to the address below:

    Richard Samuel (C/O MARK)

    10 Nomad Street,

    Sanddrift East,

    Century City,


    Cape Town, South Africa

    Thanks and God bless you richly.

  31. vincent babu says:

    Dear Pastor,

    Greetings to dear pastor in Christ it’s a great joy for me to hear about the tracts which are been published by you and I have received many time from my friends REV Y.DEVASAHAYAM. The tracts have been distributed in many places in trilby villages. I am doing ministry in Andhra Pradesh, INDIA with the church name Good News For All Church. We do ministry in different areas distributing tracts and gospel meetings even I do collage ministry with many attractive articles and programs. Many pastor come to me and invite me to their churches for Gospel ministry and gospel meetings ,they ask tracts for the public and street gospels in interior villages which the gospel is not been heard even once. I am interested in joining with your mission and now I need Gospel tracts which are available at present so kindly give the information of the available Telugu tracts.

    We do pray for you and ministry thanking you yours in His service Vincent Babu Praise the lord.

    My address
    Missionary : Vincent babu
    Good News For All CHURCH
    Don- 15- 1- 30, Gangavaram {post},
    Andhra Pradesh, INDIA
    cell: +919493591207, 9493586270

  32. Robert E Heath says:

    Please send a bible 2335 crooks st ashland ky 41101 Robert heath

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